

In the Castle with the heart of Scotland is the perfect place for families!

Divisore bianco

You will surely have happened to go out with your family and see your kids, bored after eating at the table, pawing for find something to do.

At this point always the same question: how to make them pass the time without disturbing all other costumers?

At Toto’s all this does not happen because there is a day entirely dedicated to families!

Every Sunday, thanks to the scenographies of Toto’s and Toto, the official mascot of the Castle from the heart of Scotland who will go around the place and take pictures with them, he will feel like he is spending dinner in a real Scottish castle!


Book your table, easily from our website thanks to our form active 24H.

Choose the menù

Every child has his own taste: for this reason we created 3 different menu to choose.

Let him play

Beyond the menu, we will bring some colors and a placemat where he can play during and after his lunch!

crocchetta di pollo


Chicken nuggets

Fried chip


Ice cream


Hamburger icona



Fried chip


Ice cream




Margherita pizza

Fried chip


Ice cream



TOTO menus prepared only in 2020


wallace menus prepared only in 2020


colors and placemats distributed


Chicken nuggets, fried chips, drink, ice cream, sauces


Margherita pizza, fried chips, drink, ice cream, sauces


Hamburger, fried chips, drink, ice cream, sauces

… and during lunch?

Often you find yourself “parking” your child in front of your tablet or your smartphone to enjoy a few moments of tranquility during your lunch, but at Toto’s we have found a solution!

I addition to the menu you have chosen for your child.

We will also bring a placemat and color where they can draw and play while enjoying their lunch!

book your place in the castle


Carino anche con i bambini!

Confermo tutte le recensioni positive sul buon rapporto qualità/prezzo, ma in più aggiungo che è carino anche per i bambini: menù, tovagliette e colori in omaggio dedicati a loro.

Provare per credere

Menù molto ampio direi per tutti i gusti, porzioni più che abbondanti, piadine giganti ed una particolare attenzione anche ai bambini, con tovaglietta da colorare e scatola di colori in omaggio. Prezzi giusti!!!!!

Serata in famiglia 

Adatto a bambini.. personale gentile e cucina buonissima…patatine con burrata da fare invidia, non posso far altro che promuovere da buona pugliere… e dolce eccezionale, già mangiato da altre parti e non mi ha mai soddisfatto, mentre qui ho trovato ciò che ho sempre cercato… consigliato!!